Materials Available for Powder Coating
Materials must be able to hold an electrostatic charge and resist high curing temperatures in order to be suitable for powder coating.
The ideal metals for powder coating are aluminum, mild steel, and stainless steel due to these requirements. These materials can have varied thicknesses of powder coating applied to them.
5052 Aluminum 0.063″ – 0.500”
6061 Aluminum 0.063″ – 0.500”
7075 Aluminum 0.125” – 0.250″
Mild Steel 0.048″ – 0.500”
4130 Steel 0.050″ – 0.250”
304 Stainless Steel 0.048″ – 0.500”
316 Stainless Steel 0.060″ – 0.250”
Order Requirements
We advise ordering your powder-coated parts separately from your non-powder coated parts for the quickest turnaround time. You will receive the best lead time for each of your parts as a result.
Despite the fact that we are still processing and delivering your orders at lightning-fast speeds, powder coating will lengthen the production period by 7 to 10 days. Your parts' ultimate appearance will be worth the wait, we are confident.
Available Powder Coat Colors

Matte Black
Black Magic/BK120
0-9% Gloss

Gloss Black
Cardinal BK 12/(RAL 9011)
90% Gloss

Wrinkle Black
Cardinal BK176
10% Gloss

Gloss White
Tiger Bengal White
49/11111/(RAL 9003) 90% Gloss

Gloss Red
Cardinal RD03/(RAL 3002)
90% Gloss

Gloss Yellow
YL01/(RAL 1018)
90% Gloss

Emerald Green
40 / 52900 (RAL 6001)
85% Gloss
Geometry Requirements
Parts need to meet certain requirements in order to be anodized successfully.
All powder coated components must be at least 1 inch by 3 inch. The part's square area should be no less than 3 inches2, and the shortest dimension should not be less than 1 inch.

Each powder coated object must have a hole or cutout that is.063" (1.60mm) in diameter or greater so that it can be hung. Any cutouts or holes that are a part of the design must be at least.040" (1.02mm) in size. During the coating process, holes smaller than.040" or 1.02mm may "fill" with powder.
Keep in mind that any holes we tap for you will need to be followed with a tap to remove any buildup between the threads because we cannot block tapped holes before powder coating.

Preparing Your Parts for Powder Coating
Check out our instructions for designing and setting up your files in Illustrator, Inkscape, and Fusion 360 if you discover after reading these suggestions that you need to make any adjustments to your part design.

What To Expect
Parts will be sandblasted prior to powder coating to ensure a successful finish.
The final part's overall thickness increases by between.004" (0.102mm) and.010" (0.254mm) as a result of the powder. Any portions of your design with tiny holes or restricted clearances should take this into consideration.
Tabs on powder coated items will show through the powder finish because we do not now give the option to remove them. Depending on the material, they are normally between 0.015 and 0.030 inches wide and about.010 inches tall.
Additionally, as the powder would completely cover any etched surfaces on your powder coated items, we are unable to offer this service.
Pre-flight Checklist
Before you upload your design files, be sure to go through our pre-flight checklist:
File is a two-dimensional vector format file.
All holes and cutouts are at least 50% material thickness for laser cut parts
All holes and cutouts are no less than 0.070” for most waterjet cut parts
All holes and cutouts are no less than 0.125” for all CNC routed parts
File is built at a 1:1 scale, preferably in inch or mm units
All objects are on the same layer
All stray points, duplicate lines, empty objects and text areas have been removed
No shapes have open contours
All shapes have been united, combined or merged
All text has been converted to outlines or paths
Cut-out text (reversed text) has bridges or has been stencilized